We present the third edition of the Company’s CSR Report which we have undertaken to publish on an annual basis. The second CSR Report presenting data for 2015 was published in December 2015.

GRI: [G4‑32]


The report covers the period from 01.01.2016 to 31.12.2016 and was prepared in accordance with the guidelines of the Global Reporting Initiative in the GRI G4 version, at the level of the CORE application. This is the third edition of the CSR Report of the Company which we have undertaken to publish on an annual basis. The first edition of the Report was published in December 2014, while the second edition was published in December 2015.

GRI Index

Indicators Guidelines UN Global Compact Principle External verification


Strategy and Analysis

G4-1 Declaration of top management on the importance of sustainable development for the organisation and its strategy none

Organisation Profile

G4-2 Economic, environmental and social impact of the organisation and related challenges and opportunities none
G4-3 Organisation name none
G4-4 Main brands, products and/or services none
G4-5 Headquarters localisation none
G4-6 Number of countries in which the organisation carries out operations none
G4-7 Form of ownership and legal structure of the organisation none
G4-8 Markets served with indication of geographic coverage, sectors served, characteristics of customers/consumers and beneficiaries none
G4-9 Scale of the organisation operations none
G4-10 Total number of employees according to type of employment, type of work contract and region, broken down by sex none
G4-11 Percentage of employees covered by collective agreements none
G4-12 Characteristics of supply chain of the organisation none
G4-14 Precautionary principle used by the organisation none
G4-15 External, adopted or supported by the organisation, economic, environmental and social declarations, principles and other initiatives none
G4-16 Membership of associations and/or national/international organisations none

Identified significant aspects and their limits

G4-17 Information on all units included in the organisation’s consolidated financial statements or equivalents none
G4-18 The process of defining the content of the report and the limits of the reported significant aspects none
G4-19 Significant aspects identified in the defining process of the content of the report none
G4-20 Limits indicated for each of the significant aspects within the organisation none
G4-21 Limits indicated for each of the significant aspects outside the organisation none
G4-22 Explanations concerning the effects of any corrections of information contained in previous reports, stating the reasons for their introduction and their impact none
G4-23 Significant changes in relation to the previous report on the scope, coverage or measurement methods used in the report and the limits of aspects none

Stakeholders commitment

G4-24 List of stakeholder groups engaged by the organisation none
G4-25 Basis for identification and selection of the stakeholders none
G4-26 Stakeholders’ commitment approaches, including frequency of commitment according to type and stakeholder group, indicating whether stakeholder commitment was undertaken in the framework of preparation for the reporting process none
G4-27 Key issues and problems raised by stakeholders and the organisation’s response none

Report Profile

G4-28 Reporting period none
G4-29 Date of publication of the recent report none
G4-30 Reporting cycle none
G4-31 Contact person none
G4-32 Tables of indicators in the Report none
G4-33 External verification none

Organisational governance

G4-34 Structure of the organisation’s executive body and committees responsible for decision-making none
G4-35 Process of delegation of power in the scope of economic, environmental and social issues none
G4-36 Has the organisation appointed management positions responsible for environmental, economic and social issues? none
G4-38 Composition of the highest executive body and its committees none


G4-56 Values, principles, standards and norms of conduct in the organisation, grouped together in codes of conduct and codes of ethics none
G4-57 Internal and external mechanisms concerning consultation on ethical and legal conduct and issues related to the integrity of the organisation, such as helplines and hotlines none
G4-58 Internal and external mechanisms for raising concerns about unethical or illegal conduct and issues related to the integrity of the organisation (e. g. by signalling the problem directly to the supervisor), mechanisms of reporting irregularities or helplines none



Economic Results

G4-DMA Approach to management in the context of economic results none
G4-EC1 Direct economic value: generated and divided none
G4-EC7 Development level of important investments in infrastructure and services none

Purchasing Practices

G4-DMA Management approach in the context of purchasing practices none
G4-EC9 Percentage of expenses for local suppliers at the main locations of activity none


Raw materials/Materials

G4-DMA Approach to the management in the context of raw materials and materials none
G4-EN1 Materials/raw materials used by weight or volume none


G4-DMA Approach to the management in the context of energy none
G4-EN3 Energy consumption inside the organisation none


G4-DMA Approach to the management in the context of water use none
G4-EN8 Total water intake according to source none
G4-EN10 Percentage and total volume of processed and reused water 7 none


G4-DMA Approach to the management in the context of emissions 9 none
G4-EN15 Direct greenhouse gas emissions (scope 1) 8 none
G4-EN16 Indirect greenhouse gas emissions (scope 2) 8 none
G4-EN17 Other direct greenhouse gas emissions (scope 3) 8 none
G4-EN19 Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions 7,8 none
G4-EN21 Emissions of sulphur oxides and other significant emissions to the air 8 none

Sewage and waste

G4-DMA Approach to the management in the context of sewage and waste 7,9 none
G4-EN22 Total volume of sewage generated according to quality and final destination none
G4-EN23 Total weight of waste according to type and method of waste management none

Compliance with regulations

G4-DMA Approach to the management in the context of compliance with regulations 7 none
G4-EN29 The amount of significant penalties and the total number of non-financial sanctions for non-compliance with the law and regulations concerning environmental protection none


G4-DMA Approach to the management in the context of transportation none
G4-EN30 Significant environmental impact of transportation of products and other goods needed for the organisation’s operations and transportation of employees none


G4-DMA Approach to the management in the context of general expenses for environmental protection 7 none
G4-EN31 Total expenses for environmental protection and investments according to type 7 none

Complaint mechanisms concerning environmental issues

G4-DMA Approach to the management in the context of complaint mechanisms concerning environmental issues 7 none
G4-EN34 Number of complaints relating to environmental impacts submitted, considered and resolved in the framework of formal complaint mechanisms none



G4-DMA Approach to the management in the context of employment 6 none
G4-LA1 Total number and employment rates of new employees and employee turnover ratio broken down by age groups, sex and region 6 none
G4-LA2 Benefits provided to full-time employees that are not provided for temporary or part-time employees, broken down by main location of activity none
G4-LA3 Return to work and employment rate maintenance after maternity/paternity leave, broken down by sex 6 none


G4-DMA Approach to management in the context of occupational health and safety none
G4-LA5 Level of the OSH Commission’s actions, including employees and the management of the organisation
G4-LA6 Type of injuries and injury rate, occupational diseases, days lost and absences from work and work-related fatalities, broken down by sex and regions none

Trainings and education

G4-DMA Approach to the management in the context of trainings and education none
G4-LA9 Average annual training hours per employee broken down by sex and category of employee 6 none
G4-LA10 The company programme that had been put in place for the development of managerial skills and the on-going education practices which supports the continuity of staff employment and helps manage the end of career 6 none
G4-LA11 Percentage of employees receiving regular assessments of their performance and career development information, broken down by sex and category of employees 6 none
G4-LA13 Ratio of basic salary and remuneration of men and women, broken down by categories

Diversity and equality of opportunities

G4-DMA Approach to the management in the context of diversity and equality of opportunities 1, 6 none
G4-LA12 Composition of managing bodies and employees, broken down by categories according to sex, age, minority status and other indicators of diversity 6 none

Complaint mechanisms concerning employment practices

G4-DMA Approach to the management in the context of complaint mechanisms concerning employment practices none
G4-LA16 Number of complaints concerning employment practices that have been submitted, considered and resolved in the framework of formal complaint mechanisms  none


G4-DMA Approach to the management in the context of investments none
G4-HR2 Total number of employees’ training hours in the field of respect of Human Rights policies or procedures, taking into account Human Rights aspects that are relevant to the organisation’s activities, including the percentage of employees trained 1 none


G4-DMA Approach to the management in the context of non-discrimination practices 6 none
G4-HR3 Total number of cases of discrimination advanced and corrective measures taken 6 none

Freedom of association and collective agreements

G4-DMA Approach to the management in the context of freedom of association and collective agreements 3 none
G4-HR4 Identified plants and suppliers in case of which violation is likely to occur or there is a serious risk of violation of the freedom of association 3 none

Child labour

G4-DMA Approach to the management in the context of child labour 5 none
G4-HR5 Plants and suppliers identified as posing a significant risk of child labour incidents, and actions taken to effectively eliminate child labour 5 none

Forced or compulsory labour

G4-DMA Approach to the management in the context of forced or compulsory labour 4 none
G4-HR6 Plants and suppliers identified as being at particular risk of forced or compulsory labour, and actions taken to effectively eliminate forced or compulsory labour 4 none

Safety practices

G4-DMA Approach to the management in the context of safety practices none
G4-HR7 Percentage of security personnel in the organisation trained in the scope of human rights related policies or procedures none

Indigenous people’s rights

G4-DMA Approach to the management in the context of the indigenous people’s rights 1, 6 none
G4-HR8 Total number of violations of the rights of indigenous peoples and actions taken 1, 6 none

Complaint mechanisms concerning employment practices

G4-DMA Approach to the management in the context of complaint mechanisms concerning human rights none
G4-HR12 Number of complaints concerning the impact on respect for human rights that have been processed, and resolved complaints that fall into the framework of formal complaint mechanisms none


G4-DMA Approach to the management in the context of anti-corruption 10 none
G4-SO4 Communication and trainings on anti-corruption policies and procedures 10 none
G4-SO5 Confirmed corruption cases, and actions taken 10 none

Health and safety of customer

G4-DMA Approach to the management in the context of the health and safety of the customer none
G4-PR1 Percentage of significant categories of products and services for which health and safety impacts are assessed in order to improve indicators none
G4-PR2 Total number of cases of non-compliance with regulations and voluntary codes applied on health and safety impacts of proffered products and services at each stage of their life cycle, broken down by type of effects none

Labelling of products and services

G4-DMA Approach to the management in the context of labelling of products and services none
G4-PR3 Type of product and service information required by the organisation’s procedures, and percentage of significant product and service categories subject to such requirements none
G4-PR4 Total number of cases of non-compliance with the regulations, voluntary codes on information and labelling of products and services, broken down by type of effect none
G4-PR5 Results of customer satisfaction index none
G4-PR7 Non-compliance with regulations and codes concerning marketing communication none

Customer privacy

G4-DMA Approach to the management in the context of customer privacy none
G4-PR8 Total number of justified complaints concerning breaches of customer privacy and customer data loss none

Compliance with regulations

G4-DMA Approach to the management in the context of compliance with regulations none
G4-PR9 Amount of significant penalties for non-compliance with the law and regulations concerning the provision and use of products and services none




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