Our success depends primarily on our employees. We are aware of the fact that it is only with their full cooperation and commitment that we will achieve our business objectives.

GRI: [G4‑DMA, G4‑11,…] G4‑DMA, G4‑11, G4‑13, G4‑14, G4‑LA1, G4‑LA2, G4‑LA3, G4‑LA12


We properly manage the competences and individual goals of our employees, enabling them to equally develop knowledge, skills and behaviours in a manner adequate to the needs and expectations defined by them. Based on transparent dialogue, we will always implement the accepted business strategy with the cooperation and commitment of all employees – through meeting their expectations.


Our employees are not covered by collective contracts

Total number of employees broken down by sex 


Total number of employees broken down by type of employment

Total number of employees with a contract for indefinite period of time, broken down by sex

Total number of employees broken down by regions and sex 

Percentage of managing staff broken down by sex 

Percentage of employees broken down by employment categories according to sex 

Total number of new hirings 

We employ more than 220 persons

In connection with the dynamic development of our Company, we have increased employment, thus expanding the strength of human capital.

Total number of new hirings broken down by age groups, sex and region 

2015 2016
Total 54 46
Broken down by sex:
– women 19 19
– men 35 27
Broken down by age:
<30 27 22
30-50 23 17
>50 4 7
Broken down by regions:
– Brzeg Dolny (city) 53 10
– outside 1 36

The employee turnover ratio broken down by sex and region

2015 2016
Total 191 220
Broken down by sex:
– women 7,8 9,5
– men 16,5 6,8
Broken down by regions:
– Brzeg Dolny (city) 27,4 13,7
– outside 0 0


In our business strategy, we also take into account aspects related to social responsibility, sustainable development and respect for the environment, in addition to our economic objectives. We achieve our objectives with the full cooperation and commitment of all our employees. Furthermore, we ensure high employment standards by applying the guidelines resulting from the Labour Code and by using standards that go beyond the statutory obligations of the employer. Through the values contained in the Ethics Book, we strive to maintain a high level of positive ethical and business culture in our Company.

We provide all our employees with a wide range of additional benefits that are not only based on the existing guidelines of national and European legislation.

We care about maintaining good relations with our former employees. These people include those who are not in work because of their age (pensioners) and those who are not in work because of their health condition (annuitants). We co-organise occasional meetings and provide social care in accordance with the Regulations of the Employee Benefit Fund.

We guarantee social benefits, including subsidies for holiday or cultural and educational activities, in accordance with the benefits provided for in the Regulations of the Employee Benefit Fund. We promote benefits including breaks for child feeding or days off resulting from childcare.

We offer our employees group life insurance, preventive flu vaccinations and prophylactic exams free of charge. We constantly attach importance to the fair treatment of all employees regardless of sex, age, position held, seniority, membership of trade unions, religion, nationality, worldview, external appearance or sexual orientation.

Total number of entitled workers, taking and returning from maternity/paternity leave, according to sex

According to the latest figures, the return to work ratio for employees who took maternity/paternity leave was 85%.


The remuneration policy in our Company is implemented taking into account current remuneration benchmarks. The individual level of remuneration incorporates the qualifications, work experience and individual assessment level of each employee. Regardless of the basic remuneration, we guarantee an extensive bonus system and social benefits including subsidies for holiday or MultiSport programme co-financing.

Our remuneration policy does not differentiate our employees according to sex.

Percentage of women’s remuneration in relation to men broken down by employment categories

Managers – 97%

Specialists – 79%

Production – 79%



We regularly assess the quality of our employees’ work in relation to the current competence assessment system in the PCC Group.

The applied assessment system covers the effectiveness of actions, elements of team cooperation, as well as development potential. Employees holding the post of Director shall be excluded from the assessment. The figures below show the proportion of employees subject to regular quality of work assessments and career development reviews broken down by sex and employment categories.

Percentage of employees subject to regular assessments broken down by employment categories



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